Monday, December 21, 2009


Oh my gosh - I still have sooo much shopping to do ....I am starting to panic .... I have family in town, parties to go to, and I have to make sure all the Christmas decorations are out!!! I am excited for ALL the sales that happen after Christmas. I am saving ALL my shopping for myself til' after Christmas - so I can get more for the BUCK :-)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Shopping W/ Coupons

9 Days until Christmas!! Are you ready? I still have so much shopping to do. I know I already told you about my favorite deals site for black friday - BUT you will not believe how much money I am saving my shopping on I found all sorts of cool deals .... dining coupons, spa coupons, golfing coupons, movie coupons ... the list goes on and on ..... With the economy being so tight - every penny saved HELPS :-) !!!!

I want to wish all of you HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Avoid un-needed stress! Don't leave your shopping until the last minute ...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Warm Thanksgiving Wishes

I love Thanksgiving because it is a time for family and giving thanks. I want to wish U a Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family!!! Black Friday is right around the corner. Check for great deals for your shopping needs!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Internet Coupons... who needs scissors!!!

As technology gets more advanced, it's changing almost eveything. I have recently found that most of the coupons that I had to search for, can be easily found online with many more that I was unaware of. I found this article that really points out the advantages to doing coupons online.

Coupon Clippers Throw Away Their Scissors and Still Save!

There is a revolution in marketing today. The switch from traditional and costly print coupon marketing such as clipping coupons from newspapers or magazines is moving in a mass exodus to the Internet. Offering free coupons began as a test marketing strategy by the Coca Cola Co. in 1887. Today, Google searches for retail coupons have increased 300% compared to 2007-2008 and are expected to continue to rise with the slow economy. The fact is coupons are an important tool used by most households and businesses as inflation coupled with a weakening economy is taking its toll on their wallets. Coupons aren't just used by cash strapped families with low income. In fact, data shows just the opposite and in this article, we'll explore all of the possibilities coupons can offer both the business owner and the consumer alike.

I don't know if you know, but the Internet is here to stay. One of the main reasons, in fact probably the only reason why the Internet has been such a huge success and so infectious worldwide is simply that it provides unlimited resources for where you can spend your dollar. Think about your favorite sites. Think about how you use the Internet as a tool. Sure you may check the news, the weather, and your dwindling stock portfolio. But did you notice the advertisements that appeared on those pages? Did you ever stop and think about how all of the free sites you enjoy are paid for? That's right ??Internet advertising. Businesses comprise a large portion of the Internet and their advertising dollars is a huge component of what keeps the Internet alive.

This article is focused on the use of coupons in the world of online advertising and who better than Coca-Cola, an American icon and pioneer, would be awarded the original think tank behind coupon marketing. Coupons really aren't a genius idea or even original in the sense of discounts. Supply and demand dictate price. Regardless of the era, it could have been a thousand years ago, if a merchant had too much supply, he would advertise to his buyers a discount on the stock in order to deplete his inventory. The principle is as old as mankind but the concept has greatly changed. Free coupons that offer discounts , sometimes up to half off in the form of a buy one get one free offer, are now used to attract new business to the restaurant, store or service as well as used as a tool by retailers to decrease overstock or seasonal merchandise.

Imagine becoming a free member of a single web site where you can do a national search of local coupons in your area. If you travel for business or on vacation with the family, simply type in the new location and more coupons are available for all of your needs. This is the new revolution we're talking about in this article. This is how you and your kids, and most likely future generations will search and redeem offers for valuable discounts, bargains and offers - via the Internet. In fact, the Internet is growing at an astounding and exponential rate. By the year 2010, it is estimated that worldwide there will be 1.6 billion users who access the Internet on a regular basis. That's 23% of the world population! Of that population, the bulk of those people who are enjoying all the resources the Internet has to offer are just like you and me. We?e just regular people who like to send emails, do a little shopping, maybe look at their stock portfolio or check their bank accoun!
t and of course, finding great deals using local coupons for restaurants, stores and services!

So what about the Sunday newspaper ads? You know the coupons that you clip and save until your next trip to the grocery store or redeem at your favorite restaurant? Newspaper, magazine and direct mail coupons are quickly becoming an endangered species. In fact, newspapers all over the world are feeling the pressure by folks refusing the old, traditional form of gathering information and current events and using the Internet to supply their information. Coupon clipping will be no different. Imagine how many trees are wasted, how many millions of gallons of water flushed away, how many tons of waste sent to the landfill because of print coupons? Online coupon companies reduce paper usage and waste to nominal percentages compared to the traditional way of distributing coupons.

In a world of a new conscious effort to save money and save the environment, "paperless" has become synonymous with businesses worldwide. Everyone is doing their part to reduce their waste in some form. Businesses who offer online coupons and people who use those coupons are indirectly helping reduce waste and improve their "carbon footprint." Whether you're a coupon user or not, it's online companies and users like you who choose to utilize these free services that improve the economy, the environment and your budget.

Article Source:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Saving $$ By Coupon Shopping

With the way the economy is today - it is extra important that we save $$ any way that we can. I love coupon cutting. It always amazes me how much $$ I save because of coupons ....What are some of the great deals you've seen?